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Portable and wireless data loggers for monitoring and recording analog variables like temperature, humidity, pressure, and digital, flow pulses or open / closed sensor, in most processes, such as industry, logistics, infrastructure IT, cold chain, among others.
The FieldLogger is an industrial data logger designed for the precise and continuous monitoring of temperature, humidity, and other analog and digital variables in various industrial environments. With advanced technolog...
LogBox 3G is an IoT device with integrated data logger and 3G / 2G connectivity which allows remote telemetry or mobile monitoring solution. Data can be accessed remotely and centralized via NXperience software for Windo...
The LogBox LTE is a multichannel IoT data logger designed for efficient and secure remote monitoring. Utilizing NB-IoT and Cat-M1 networks, it provides real-time data collection and transmission, ensuring high reliabilit...
LogBox Wi-Fi is an IoT device with integrated data logger and Wi-Fi connectivity. It allows monitoring and recording of data remotely, in facilities with Wi-Fi infrastructure. The data can be accessed remotely, wirelessl...
LogBox BLE is a bluetooth data logger for up to three analog sensors and one digital. The analog channels accept direct connection of thermocouple temperature sensors or Pt100 and sensors for any other quantities with si...
NOVUS offers the perfect solution for you to keep track of temperature variations during the storage and transportation of food, medicines, and supplies that require special handling in accurately controlled environments...
LogBox-RHT-LCD is dual channel data loggers with built-in temperature and relative humidity sensors. They use a high quality industrial grade humidity sensor for accurate and reliable operation in applications such as tr...
LogBox-DA is an electronic data logger with two input channels, one analog and one digital. Input data is stored in the logger internal memory, for later download to a PC for visualization and analysis in the form of tab...
LogBox-AA is an electronic data logger with two input analog channels. Input data is stored in the logger internal memory, for later download to a PC for visualization and analysis in the form of tables or graphs. The da...
NOVUS will participate in two important trade fairs in november.
NOVUS will participate in two important trade fairs in november.
NOVUS will be present at four important fairs in October 2024, presenting its innovative technological solutions for different industry sectors. Check out event details and featured products:
NOVUS will be present at four important fairs in October 2024, presenting its innovative technological solutions for different industry sectors. Check out event details and featured products:
Software and firmware upgrades benefit complex applications and more...
International Trade Show is Southeast Asia's biggest Automation Industry Exhibition
A data logger is an instrument that monitors and records changes in conditions over time. They can be single, stand-alone units or consist of multiple channels. Most stand-alone units are battery-powered, allowing them to record while in transit and for extended periods of time.
Data logging can be done manually by constant human observation. An example of this might be recording the temperature changes over the course of an hour in a centrally heated room using a timer, thermometer, pen and paper.
Data acquisition is the process of digitizing data from the world around us so it can be displayed, analyzed, and stored in a computer.
A data acquisition system is a collection of software and hardware that allows one to measure or control physical characteristics of something in the real world. A complete data acquisition system consists of DAQ hardware, sensors and actuators, signal conditioning hardware, and a computer running DAQ software.
The Portable Series stand-alone, low cost data loggers are ideal for remote applications and transporting goods, as well.
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental or industrial process parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.
A data logger works by automatically monitoring and recording specific environmental conditions and parameters via their sensor components, then storing the resulting data in their internal memory. They can be configured as either relatively simple single-channel devices or more complex multi-channel versions.
Data loggers are electronic devices that automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analyzed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.
Data logger is an electronic device that records critical data over time. Providing high-quality sensor data around things like temperature humidity, shock, vibration, and more, they assist in product and consumer satisfaction and safety. Several industries ship and store sensitive products that can become compromised based on the environment it either is stored or shipped in.
Data loggers can monitor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, pH, pressure, voltage, current, and pulse – making them useful for a number of applications, including to: Verify temperature and humidity levels of storage and transportation facilities.
Data loggers are used wherever there is some advantage in recording conditions over a period of time. Applications range from obtaining a record of wind speed to tracking temperature in refrigerated storage containers, to monitoring flow rate at a remote pumping station.
Most are equipped with an internal microprocessor (effectively a small, multi-function computer processing chip), some form of on-board data storage, one or more sensors or detection instruments, and potentially a variety of other accessories.
Data loggers can monitor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, pH, pressure, voltage, current, and pulse – making them useful for a number of applications, including to: Verify temperature and humidity levels of storage and transportation facilities.
Data acquisition systems are being used in various applications such as biomedical and aerospace. So, we can choose either analog data acquisition systems or digital data acquisition systems based on the requirement.
The main goal when defining a correct data acquisition strategy is therefore to understand the needs of the system in terms of data volume, variety, and velocity, and take the right decision on which tool is best to ensure the acquisition and desired throughput.
Data Acquisition is the process of collecting accurate and reliable data to work with. Data acquisition is the second step in the project cycle, we should ensure the data collected is collected from authentic and reliable sources for effective Decision Making.
Data acquisition meaning is to collect data from relevant sources before it can be stored, cleaned, preprocessed, and used for further mechanisms. It is the process of retrieving relevant business information, transforming the data into the required business form, and loading it into the designated system.
It is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.
A data acquisition system is a collection of software and hardware that allows one to measure or control physical characteristics of something in the real world. A complete data acquisition system consists of DAQ hardware, sensors and actuators, signal conditioning hardware, and a computer running DAQ software.
Data acquisition has been understood as the process of gathering, filtering, and cleaning data before the data is put in a data warehouse or any other storage solution. The acquisition of big data is most commonly governed by four of the Vs: volume, velocity, variety, and value.
Data acquisition has been understood as the process of gathering, filtering, and cleaning data before the data is put in a data warehouse or any other storage solution.
Remote sensing data acquisition can be conducted on such platforms as aircraft, satellites, balloons, rockets, space shuttles, etc. Inside or on-board these platforms, we use sensors to collecting data.
Data acquisition is the process of digitizing data from the world around us so it can be displayed, analyzed, and stored in a computer.
Data Acquisition is the process of collecting accurate and reliable data to work with. Data acquisition is the second step in the project cycle, we should ensure the data collected is collect from authentic and reliable sources for effective Decision Making.
Data acquisition system (DAS) is a computerized system that collects data from the real world, converts it into the form of electrical signals and do required processing on it for storage, and presentation on computers. The complete system is controlled and operated by a software application.
Temperature data loggers are used for temperature and humidity monitoring and are above all employed in the industrial sector, where temperature and humidity play a major role. In this respect, a distinction is made between single-use instruments and long-term monitoring instruments.
All loggers are calibrated by comparison against a calibrated reference thermometer with an immersion PRT probe. The logger or probe is placed in an environmental chamber, which is set to ramp to each of the temperature points specified and hold that temperature for 2 hours or more.
A simple experiment such as the temperature change of hot water is easy to set up with results available within minutes. With data loggers often utilising sensors such as distance, sound, light, pH, air pressure and temperature, there are hundreds of different experiments for students.
The most common use of digital data logging in a hospital is to monitor temperature levels in fridges and freezers that are used to store sensitive assets such as vaccines, tissue samples, blood, and organs for transplant.
An example of this might be recording the temperature changes over the course of an hour in a centrally heated room using a timer, thermometer, pen and paper. However, using an electronic data logger is much more effective, accurate and reliable than taking periodic manual readings.
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record parameters over a time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. They are used to keep a register of a batch of measurements in those processes that must have a critical control or simply to analise a lab test, like when you wan to generate a chart from this readen values. Data loggers are very usefull in so many cases because they help to keep data sotred securely.
A temperature data logger is a form of data logger optimized or configured for temperature probes or sensors (and in the case of a temperature and humidity data logger, with humidity sensors too). A temperature logger is an electronic device capable of storing a number of measurements.
Temperature monitoring and humidity levels in manufacturing environments, storage facilities, hospitals, industries such as chemical, manufacturig, electronics, food and bevarage, water tretament plant, energy generation and other public facilities.
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.
"Data loggers also offer schools significant advantages over other data capture methods including: Speed – data loggers can capture thousands of pieces of information in seconds as well as capturing data when students are not around Accuracy – data loggers automatically capture the required information, reducing the risk of human error and removing the risk of a forgotten or missed reading Storage – storing a large amounts of data which is accessible for analysis by students at a later time"