Water and Wastewater

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+ Process controller definition:

Process Control is the active changing of the process based on the results of process monitoring. Once the process monitoring tools have detected an out-of-control situation, the person responsible for the process makes a change to bring the process back into control.

+ How does pid controller work?

The working principle behind a PID controller is that the proportional, integral and derivative terms must be individually adjusted or "tuned." Based on the difference between these values a correction factor is calculated and applied to the input.

+ In a process controller output refers to...

There are three broad categories for any given system: inputs, outputs, and constants or parameters. Inputs are any factors that change with time that affect the system's output. The output refers to the desired controlled variable. Consider this as the objective of the model.

+ How to install a controller?

To install a controller, you will need to look at the model chosen. The connections are linked to the number of inputs and outputs desired for the application. In addition, you need a power supply to turn the equipment on, and a software to configure its functions.

+ What are process controllers?

In industrial automation, process controllers are the equipment responsible for controlling the industrial process or part of it through specific control algorithms, such as PID, fuzzy logic, or neural networks.

+ What is a controller?

A controller serves to adjust or test the control of something. It is an instrument or device that serves to adjust or control something.

+ What are temperature controllers?

The digital temperature controller is a device designed to measure values and enable a given environment to meet the expected heat or cold requirements.

+ Why are controllers important?

Smart controllers are important for improving processes and quality in many industry segments, resulting in more profit and less waste.

+ Why use a NOVUS controller?

NOVUS controllers have certificates that guarantee their quality and efficiency, and a 3-year warranty.

+ Why are controllers necessary?

Today we use programmable logic controllers to define system actions for several purposes. They are responsible for improving the quality of products and services through their functions and programming, automating processes, and reducing the percentage of human error. In addition, they enable remote control.

+ What is the best controller for my process?

You must choose a controller based on the requirements of your process. NOVUS has a complete line of controllers with features such as ON/OFF and PID that allow you to program ramps and soaks.

+ Controllers for automation: What are they?

Electronic controllers are an evolution of industrial automation, responsible for controlling industrial processes or part of them through programmable algorithms of specific controls.

+ What are process controllers?

Process controllers are responsible for controlling the industrial process or part of it. These remote controllers analyze, control, operate valves, chronologically store data and events, and are connected remotely by different means.

+ PID controller: Which model should I choose?

This answer is linked to the controller application. For a good cost-benefit, you must choose a controller based on the requirements of your process. NOVUS has a complete line of controllers with several features that make it possible to program ramps and soaks.

+ Which controller to use for defrosting?

N321R is a temperature controller for refrigeration that starts the defrost process when the compressor stops. It accepts 3 types of sensors. It is possible to program the minimum on and off times. The defrost process is automatic and the duration can be programmed. The equipment has a key to enable manual defrost. It keeps the indication during the defrost cycle. The equipment also allows a scheduled delay to start the defrost cycle after power-up.

+ Which model should I choose?

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) is the most widely used process control algorithm in industry. As the name suggests, the PID algorithm is composed of three coefficients: Proportional, integral, and derivative, used to obtain the optimal response. The ON-OFF control action is used when the process allows a continuous oscillation of the controlled variable. As the error signal passes through the Setpoint, the controller output changes from on to off (or vice versa).

+ What is an ON-OFF controller?

ON-OFF controllers are used when the process allows a continuous oscillation of the controlled variable. As the error signal passes through the Setpoint, the controller output changes from on to off (or vice versa).

+ Controllers and actuators

An actuator converts the energy connected to it into useful automation for the system. The actuators most used in an automation application are pneumatic cylinders and DC (or AC) motors. They are most often controlled by PLCs or controllers. Process controllers are the equipment responsible for controlling an industrial process or part of it through specific control algorithms, such as PID, fuzzy logic, or neural networks.

+ Digital and analog controllers difference

Analog systems generally consist of operational amplifiers. Digital systems are based on processors, which, in addition to requiring electronic circuitry (hardware), also require programs (software).

+ Temperature Controllers: How do they work?

The device has a temperature sensor and an output connected to a device, such as a heater or a fan. Besides providing an output to the control element, it compares the actual temperature with the desired control temperature or Setpoint.

+ Electronic controllers: What are they for?

In industrial automation, electronic controllers are the equipment responsible for controlling an industrial process or part of it through specific control algorithms.

+ How pid controllers work?

The working principle behind a PID controller is that the proportional, integral and derivative terms must be individually adjusted or "tuned." Based on the difference between these values a correction factor is calculated and applied to the input.

+ How do digital electric meters work?

Rather than dials, a digital meter has an electronic display that you or a service person can read manually on the face of the meter, or the signal can be sent to the utility company via a high-frequency signal that is transmitted back to the utility company on the electric service wires.

+ How do digital electric meters work?

Rather than dials, a digital meter has an electronic display that you or a service person can read manually on the face of the meter, or the signal can be sent to the utility company via a high-frequency signal that is transmitted back to the utility company on the electric service wires.

+ Digital panel meter working principle:

Digital frequency meter incorporates microcontroller with crystal oscillator to display the frequency.

+ what is digital panel meter?

Digital panel meters are used extensively in process control equipment to track humidity, pressure, and so on. Apart from that, it can also be used to monitor an electrical equipment performance by displaying its voltage or current information in the panel meter.

+ Can digital thermometers be wrong?

No matter which type you choose, read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. No thermometer will provide accurate results if it's used incorrectly.

+ Are digital electric meters accurate?

Electric meters are generally accurate and can be tested by your electricity supplier.

+ Can digital electric meter run backwards?

If your electricity meter has any kind of digital readout, then it is too advanced to run backwards. Also, it's not enough for just the disk to spin backwards. The meter readout dials have to turn backwards as well.

+ Can digital electric meters be wrong?

Digital electric meters are faster to read at a glance and the meter reader makes less errors because of it. Thus, a digital electric meter will say “Fault,” “Error,” or “Battery” when something is awry.

+ What is the main concept of energy?

Although it is used in many different contexts, the scientific use of the word "energy" has a well-defined and specific meaning: Innate potential to do work or perform an action. Anything that is working, moving another object, or heating it, for example, is using (transferring) energy.

+ What is energy and what are the types of energy?

The existing types of energy are: Mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy, responsible for performing work, movement, and generating electricity. Renewable energy sources are those that can be naturally replaced in the environment, but it is vital to understand that, even if renewable, these sources are not inexhaustible.

+ How is electricity produced?

There are many ways to acquire energy through renewable sources (clean energy) or non-renewable resources (dirty energy). The main examples of clean energy are wind energy, solar energy, and biofuels, which are produced from natural products. The most common examples of dirty energy are: coal, nuclear power, oil, and gas.

+ What can be transformed into energy?

Energy transformation is the physical phenomenon in which energy changes from one form into another. This process happens all the time. From the car, which transforms the chemical energy of gasoline combustion into mechanical energy, to a light bulb that transforms electrical energy into light energy and thermal energy.

+ What are the types of energy and their sources?

Hydraulic Energy: Obtained from river water. Solar energy: Obtained from the sun. Wind Energy: Obtained from the winds. Geothermal Energy: Obtained by the heat within the earth. Biomass Energy: Obtained by living or once-living organisms. Gravitational Energy: Obtained by the waves of the oceans. Hydrogen Energy: Obtained from hydrogen. Fossil Fuels: Obtained from oil, mineral coal, and natural gas. Nuclear Energy: Obtained from elements such as uranium and thorium.

+ What is photovoltaic solar energy?

The operation of photovoltaic solar energy is based on the phenomenon that occurs when particles of sunlight (photons) collide with the silicon atoms present in the solar panel. This action produces a displacement of electrons, which creates a continuous flow of electric current, called photovoltaic solar energy.

+ What is thermal energy?

Thermal energy is produced by work or heat. When we use a hand pump to inflate a bicycle tire, the pump becomes heated. In this case, thermal energy is produced through the transfer of mechanical energy.

+ What is the source of hydroelectric power?

This form of energy is generated by harnessing the power and volume of water. By building dams on rivers, a reservoir is formed. The water is drawn from this reservoir and carried through pipes to the turbines, which move thanks to the power of the water.

+ How does NOVUS operate in the energy industry?

NOVUS helps with robust industrial products for energy measurement and control.

+ See some NOVUS solutions for the energy industry

Level monitoring and control in hydropower plants Pressure monitoring of insulating oil in underground transmission lines Temperature monitoring of hydropower turbine bearings Temperature monitoring in the production of wind turbine blades Temperature monitoring of energy meters in industry, commerce, and residential buildings Temperature and humidity monitoring in operation rooms and battery rooms of substations

+ What is manufacturing automation?

Advanced manufacturing happens through industrial automation, which serves to optimize and speed up processes in a reliable and precise way. For this, it is necessary to elaborate projects and implement automated systems, integrating equipment from different manufacturers in the manufacturing processes.

+ What is

Basic sanitation is a set of fundamental services that contribute to the socioeconomic development of a region, such as water supply, sewage, urban drainage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.

+ What is "sanitation"?

Basic sanitation is a set of fundamental services that contribute to the socioeconomic development of a region, such as water supply, sewage, urban drainage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.

+ How to configure pressure ranges via HART?

TxConfig-HRT is the universal interface for configuring NOVUS transmitters with HART protocol. It is compatible with the NP860-HRT transmitter, which makes configuration and calibration extremely fast and simple.

+ How to configure different pressure ranges?

NOVUS NP640 or NP620 relative pressure transmitters can be configured and recalibrated by the user. They feature a wide calibration range. In addition, they allow you to configure the transmission range up to 1/3 of the full scale. This configuration is performed using the TxConfig ll configurator software (via the TxConfig-DIN43650 interface).

+ What makes NOVUS pressure meters special?

Their technical measuring properties remain robust even when changing the range.

+ Whats is "sanitation"? What does sanitation consist of?

Basic sanitation is a set of fundamental services that contribute to the socioeconomic development of a region, such as water supply, sewage, urban drainage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.

+ What is "sanitation"? What does sanitation consist of?

Basic sanitation is a set of fundamental services that contribute to the socioeconomic development of a region, such as water supply, sewage, urban drainage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.

+ What are the types of sanitation?

Water treatment and distribution, Sewage collection and treatment, Urban rainwater drainage, Waste collection and management.

+ Why is sanitation important and how important is sanitation for society? 

Sanitation consists of measures taken on the environment and aims to promote health, ensure quality of life, and preserve natural resources.

+ Why is sanitation considered an essential public service?

Basic sanitation and urban sanitation consist of activities related to drinking water supply, stormwater management, sewage collection and treatment, urban cleaning, solid waste management, and control of pests and pathogenic agents to improve the health of the communities.

+ What is sanitation like in Brazil?

In 2011, 82.4 % of the Brazilian population had access to drinking water. In 2018, the index rose to 83.6 %. There was a greater advance in the indicators of population with access to sewerage systems, which went from 48.1 % in 2011 to 53.2 % in 2018. Sewage treatment also went from 37.5 % to 46.3 %.

+ What is the relationship between sanitation and quality of life?

The term "basic sanitation" defines a set of procedures adopted by a government that serves to provide a hygienic and healthy condition for its urban and rural population. With these measures, it is possible to guarantee quality of life, promote health and avoid diseases.

+ What is "sanitation" and what is "environmental sanitation"?

Basic sanitation refers to the supply of drinking water and sewage collection and treatment. Environmental sanitation refers to urban cleaning, pest control, etc. Its purpose is to ensure the sanitation of the environment and not allow people without infrastructure to live with diseases. In addition, it also serves to protect the environment.

+ What is the meaning of the word "sanitation"?

"Sanitation" refers to the set of measures that aim to preserve or modify the conditions of the environment and which help to prevent diseases, promote health, improve quality of life, increase personal productivity, and improve economic activities.

+ How to do ecological sanitation?

Using rainwater can help you to be more ecological as well as save money on your water bill. Each person produces around 150 liters of sewage per day. On a simple analysis, it is possible to conclude that a family of 3 produces around 900 liters of effluent in 2 days.

+ What is "rural sanitation"?

Those who live in the countryside should know about rural sanitation. It basically consists of sewage collection and treatment, water supply for human consumption, treatment and reuse of wastewater, and the management and disposal of garbage.

+ What does the Brazilian law say about basic sanitation?

Law 11.445/07 established the concept of basic sanitation as a set of services, infrastructure, and facilities for water supply, sewage treatment, urban cleaning, and solid waste management.

+ Which laws regulate basic sanitation in Brazil?

The public basic sanitation services are foreseen in Law 11.445/2007 and were amended by Law 14.026/2020. On January 5, 2007, Law 11.445 was published, regulating basic sanitation services.

+ What is the Brazilian Law of the New Regulatory Framework for Sanitation?

With the approval of Law 14.026/2020, which updates the legal framework for basic sanitation, the relationship between the ANA and the sanitation sector will reach a new level, since the Brazilian National Water Agency (in Portuguese, Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento (ANA)) will now edit reference standards.

+ What is the total loss of water per day?

Based on data from the Brazilian National Information System on basic sanitation, the study also shows that in 2018, the average amount of drinking water in Brazil was 38.45 % of the total available. This meant a loss of 6.5 billion m³ of water in a year − the equivalent of 7.1 thousand Olympic swimming pools per day!

+ Whose responsibility is it to oversee basic sanitation?

According to Agência Brasil, private sector is responsible for basic sanitation in only 6 % of Brazilian cities. In the other 94 %, this service is performed by state or municipal companies, assisted by the federal government.

+ What is water loss?

Water loss is the unintentional waste of drinking water that occurs in several ways in a supply system.

+ What is the consumption profile in sanitation?

The consumption profile is related to the characteristics, patterns, and principles of a given customer group. It is a set of specifications that can define the parameters on consumption deviation.

+ How to reduce water loss?

It is necessary to think of solutions, such as: species management research, monitoring programs, educational campaigns to stop clandestine connections, etc.

+ What is one of the most critical points in sanitation?

By monitoring the point of lowest pressure, pressure control allows to maintain the supply at a minimum pressure, reducing the volume lost and electric power consumption. When installed in a water pumping station, it provides a significant reduction in operational expenses. Its primary concern is to keep all customers supplied.

+ What is a sewage lift?

A sewage lift is a complete solution for handling sewage in buildings below or far away from the public sewage system. Installed in the ground or underground, the set includes one or more high-efficiency sewage grinder pumps, a tank, and a device for automatic actuation.

+ What are the reasons to install sewage lift stations?

The sewage lift station pumps liquid and solid effluents through submersible or self-priming pumps to places where they can continue to flow safely into the collection system.

+ How does the wastewater collection system work?

The water to be used passes through the internal pipes, then follows to the street, where it meets the wastewater collection system.

+ What is the function of a sewage lift station?

The lift station aims to bring a submersible effluent to the sewage collection system or to the sewage treatment system.

+ How does an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant work?

Industrial wastewater treatment plants act according to the physical, natural, and biological characteristics of the effluents. In addition, they also consider the presence of pollutants that must be removed and/or the unit operations used for treatment. The ideal process is indicated according to the pollutant load and the presence of contaminants.

+ What is a lift station?

Lift station is a unit that have hydraulic pumps and tanks that increase the pressure of the liquid in a distribution system for clean water or for effluents and sewage.

+ What is remote monitoring of cloud-connected equipment for water and wastewater management?

They serve as complete solutions with centralized or distributed architecture to provide stable operations. From dams, through water treatment, distribution and transmission to factories and communities, reliable systems are needed to monitor and control the water supply process in real time.

+ What are data loggers?

A data logger is an instrument that monitors and records changes in conditions over time. They can be single, stand-alone units or consist of multiple channels. Most stand-alone units are battery-powered, allowing them to record while in transit and for extended periods of time.

+ What is data acquisition?

Data acquisition is the process of digitizing data from the world around us so it can be displayed, analyzed, and stored in a computer.

+ What is data loggers?

Data logging can be done manually by constant human observation. An example of this might be recording the temperature changes over the course of an hour in a centrally heated room using a timer, thermometer, pen and paper.

+ What is data acquisition system?

A data acquisition system is a collection of software and hardware that allows one to measure or control physical characteristics of something in the real world. A complete data acquisition system consists of DAQ hardware, sensors and actuators, signal conditioning hardware, and a computer running DAQ software.

+ Low cost data logger

The Portable Series stand-alone, low cost data loggers are ideal for remote applications and transporting goods, as well.

+ What are data loggers used for?

Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental or industrial process parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.

+ How do data loggers work?

A data logger works by automatically monitoring and recording specific environmental conditions and parameters via their sensor components, then storing the resulting data in their internal memory. They can be configured as either relatively simple single-channel devices or more complex multi-channel versions.

+ How data loggers work?

Data loggers are electronic devices that automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analyzed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.

+ How should data loggers be used?

Data logger is an electronic device that records critical data over time. Providing high-quality sensor data around things like temperature humidity, shock, vibration, and more, they assist in product and consumer satisfaction and safety. Several industries ship and store sensitive products that can become compromised based on the environment it either is stored or shipped in.

+ What do data loggers measure?

Data loggers can monitor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, pH, pressure, voltage, current, and pulse – making them useful for a number of applications, including to: Verify temperature and humidity levels of storage and transportation facilities.

+ Where are data loggers used?

Data loggers are used wherever there is some advantage in recording conditions over a period of time. Applications range from obtaining a record of wind speed to tracking temperature in refrigerated storage containers, to monitoring flow rate at a remote pumping station.

+ How should data loggers be used?

Data loggers can monitor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, pH, pressure, voltage, current, and pulse – making them useful for a number of applications, including to: Verify temperature and humidity levels of storage and transportation facilities.

+ How do data loggers work?

Most are equipped with an internal microprocessor (effectively a small, multi-function computer processing chip), some form of on-board data storage, one or more sensors or detection instruments, and potentially a variety of other accessories.

+ Where data acquisition system is used?

Data acquisition systems are being used in various applications such as biomedical and aerospace. So, we can choose either analog data acquisition systems or digital data acquisition systems based on the requirement.

+ What is the goal of data acquisition?

The main goal when defining a correct data acquisition strategy is therefore to understand the needs of the system in terms of data volume, variety, and velocity, and take the right decision on which tool is best to ensure the acquisition and desired throughput.

+ What is data acquisition in ai project cycle?

Data Acquisition is the process of collecting accurate and reliable data to work with. Data acquisition is the second step in the project cycle, we should ensure the data collected is collected from authentic and reliable sources for effective Decision Making.

+ What is data acquisition in machine learning?

Data acquisition meaning is to collect data from relevant sources before it can be stored, cleaned, preprocessed, and used for further mechanisms. It is the process of retrieving relevant business information, transforming the data into the required business form, and loading it into the designated system.

+ What is data acquisition system MCQ?

It is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.

+ What are data acquisition systems?

A data acquisition system is a collection of software and hardware that allows one to measure or control physical characteristics of something in the real world. A complete data acquisition system consists of DAQ hardware, sensors and actuators, signal conditioning hardware, and a computer running DAQ software.

+ What is data acquisition in data warehouse?

Data acquisition has been understood as the process of gathering, filtering, and cleaning data before the data is put in a data warehouse or any other storage solution. The acquisition of big data is most commonly governed by four of the Vs: volume, velocity, variety, and value.

+ What is data acquisition in remote sensing?

Remote sensing data acquisition can be conducted on such platforms as aircraft, satellites, balloons, rockets, space shuttles, etc. Inside or on-board these platforms, we use sensors to collecting data.

+ What is data acquisition in data science?

Data acquisition has been understood as the process of gathering, filtering, and cleaning data before the data is put in a data warehouse or any other storage solution.

+ What do you mean by data acquisition?

Data acquisition is the process of digitizing data from the world around us so it can be displayed, analyzed, and stored in a computer.

+ What is data acquisition in AI?

Data Acquisition is the process of collecting accurate and reliable data to work with. Data acquisition is the second step in the project cycle, we should ensure the data collected is collect from authentic and reliable sources for effective Decision Making.

+ How data acquisition system works?

Data acquisition system (DAS) is a computerized system that collects data from the real world, converts it into the form of electrical signals and do required processing on it for storage, and presentation on computers. The complete system is controlled and operated by a software application.

+ Why should we use temperature data loggers?

Temperature data loggers are used for temperature and humidity monitoring and are above all employed in the industrial sector, where temperature and humidity play a major role. In this respect, a distinction is made between single-use instruments and long-term monitoring instruments.

+ How to calibrate data loggers?

All loggers are calibrated by comparison against a calibrated reference thermometer with an immersion PRT probe. The logger or probe is placed in an environmental chamber, which is set to ramp to each of the temperature points specified and hold that temperature for 2 hours or more.

+ What is data loggers in physics?

A simple experiment such as the temperature change of hot water is easy to set up with results available within minutes. With data loggers often utilising sensors such as distance, sound, light, pH, air pressure and temperature, there are hundreds of different experiments for students.

+ How should data loggers be used NHS?

The most common use of digital data logging in a hospital is to monitor temperature levels in fridges and freezers that are used to store sensitive assets such as vaccines, tissue samples, blood, and organs for transplant.

+ Why are data loggers better than thermometers?

An example of this might be recording the temperature changes over the course of an hour in a centrally heated room using a timer, thermometer, pen and paper. However, using an electronic data logger is much more effective, accurate and reliable than taking periodic manual readings.

+ Why are data loggers used?

Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record parameters over a time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. They are used to keep a register of a batch of measurements in those processes that must have a critical control or simply to analise a lab test, like when you wan to generate a chart from this readen values. Data loggers are very usefull in so many cases because they help to keep data sotred securely.

+ What's temperature data loggers?

A temperature data logger is a form of data logger optimized or configured for temperature probes or sensors (and in the case of a temperature and humidity data logger, with humidity sensors too). A temperature logger is an electronic device capable of storing a number of measurements.

+ Who uses data loggers?

Temperature monitoring and humidity levels in manufacturing environments, storage facilities, hospitals, industries such as chemical, manufacturig, electronics, food and bevarage, water tretament plant, energy generation and other public facilities.

+ How are data loggers used?

Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.

+ What are data loggers in science?

"Data loggers also offer schools significant advantages over other data capture methods including: Speed – data loggers can capture thousands of pieces of information in seconds as well as capturing data when students are not around Accuracy – data loggers automatically capture the required information, reducing the risk of human error and removing the risk of a forgotten or missed reading Storage – storing a large amounts of data which is accessible for analysis by students at a later time"

+ What is "sanitation"? What does sanitation consist of?

Basic sanitation is a set of fundamental services that contribute to the socioeconomic development of a region, such as water supply, sewage, urban drainage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.